HUBBEL, Donald W.
February 1, 2008 Captain Donald W.Hubbel was exercising in preparation for a required physical agility test when he was stricken with a fatal heart attack. Captain Hubbel joined the BCFD in 1993, he was initially assigned to the Glen Avenue truck company. He was promoted to emergency vehicle driver and assigned to Truck 18 and then to Rescue 1. After becoming a Lieutenant at Engine 52, he returned to Rescue 1. He was promoted to Captain and headed Squads 47 and 54, and most recently returned to Rescue 1 in downtown Baltimore. Captain Hubbel was part of the department's Special Operations Command, a member of the city's Special Rescue Operations Team, a rescue specialist for the Maryland Task Force II, and other area rescue units. He was an adjunct instructor at the fire academy, where he loved teaching recruits. During his career, Captain Hubbel received numerous department commendations for outstanding acts of service and many distinguished service awards, including a Meritorious Conduct Medal, an Exemplary Performance Medal and four Distinguished Unit Citations. In 2003, he assisted after Tropical Storm Isabel struck the Baltimore area, and in 2005, he went to St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana, to help with rescue and recovery efforts after Hurricane Katrina. Captain Donald W. Hubbel, a USN Veteran, was 42 years old and had served in the BCFD for 15 years.
Listing Details
Baltimore City Fire Department
Years of Service