KERR, Francis D.
Box No. 526 was sounded. The Burrough Bros. Chemical Work located at 92 Camden Street was afire. Responding units arrived to find a 4 story iron front patent medicine factory heavy with fire, 2nd & 3rd alarm was sounded. No.2's Hayes aerial ladder was put in position. Due to overhead wires being in the way, the ladders of H&L No.2 would have to be extended straight up and remain in that position, perpendicular to the building in front that was on fire and also perpendicular to the building on the opposite side of the street behind them. Pipemen Francis Kerr & Charles Betz got positioned with their hose pipe near the tip of the ladder. Pipemen Charles Grund & Henry Ryan got positioned with their hose pipe in the midsection of the ladder. Pipemen Samuel Marker, Richard Disney,and Benjamin Seip got positioned with their hose pipe on the bottom section of the ladder. Captain Marston was overseeing members as they made ready an additional ladder to serve as a brace for the Ariel once it was completely extended. No.2's aerial, with the 7 pipemen and hoses in position, was slowly raised into an upright position. Suddenly, before the brace ladder could be placed in position, No.2's ladder began to sway & then lean backwards. The weight of the 7 pipemen and heavy hose was too much and while the aerial ladder did break the truck to which it was attached flipped over on it's side, causing the ladder to fall back into the building behind them. Pipeman Kerr was slammed into the building, fell to the pavement, and was fatally injured. Pipeman Grund was thrown against the cornice of the building , fell to the pavement, and was fatally injured. Pipeman Ryan was critically injured and transported to the hospital where he died on November 21. Pipeman Betz was critically injured but recovered "after 2 months of terrible suffering." Pipeman Francis D.Kerr (E-6) was 46 years old. Number of years served are unknown at this time. Pipeman Charles Grund (E-2) was 41 years old. Number of years served are unknown at this time.
Listing Details
Baltimore City Fire Department
Years of Service