KLABURNER, Frederick
Before going off duty at 8 am on February 1, 1946, Lieutenant Frederick Klaburner, E-42, wrote a letter requesting retirement. He returned to duty at 6pm on February 1st and at 10:01pm responded to a silent alarm at the Belair Bowling Center. E-42 arrived to find smoke billowing out into the streets. Lt. Klaburner quickly sized up the situation and ordered Box No.8231 sounded at 10:05. Rushing into the burning building and making his way to the rear, he was just opening the hosepipe when a terrific explosion took place that caused the roof to collapse, killing Lieutenant Klaburner, his charred remains found some 90 minutes later during salvage and overhaul. The fire went 6 alarms; and,along with killing Lt. Klaburner, 15 firemen were injured. Lieutenant Frederick P. Klaburner was 74 years old and had faithfully served for 30 years
Listing Details
Baltimore City Fire Department
Years of Service