BRADEN, James T.
On July 19, 1898, Box No. 327 was sounded at 2:09 p.m. Steam Engine No. 13 and Hose Wagon No. 7 collided together at Druid Hill Ave. & Mosher St. A terrible scene was presented as firemen were thrown in every direction and the horses killed. Pipeman James T. Braden (E-1 detailed to E-7) was killed. The Steam Engine was demolished. Captain Samuel R. Watkins (E-7) and seven firemen were injured in the crash, heard for blocks around." Pipeman James T. Braden was 30 years old and had served for 5 years.
-Pipeman Braden's narrative quoted from 'The Unheralded Heroes' by William A Murray
-Pipeman Braden's narrative quoted from 'The Unheralded Heroes' by William A Murray
Listing Details
Baltimore City Fire Department