DEFALCO, Charles L.
On July 6, 1951, Box No. 371 sounded at 12:26 a.m. The Bombay Storage Company a 3 story brick building on N. Parrish St. was afire and quickly went to 6 alarms. Truck Lieutenant Charles L. DeFalco (T-10) was on the rooftop working in dense smoke and inadvertently stepped off the roof, landing in the backyard of a Gilmore St. house. Tragically, Lt. DeFalco suffered a broken back resulting in paralysis of both legs. For the next 7 1/2 years he remained flat on his back, in precarious health, and in & out of various area hospitals and facilities. On January 5, 1959, Lt. DeFalco died due to complications from his injuries. Lieutenant Charles Lloyd DeFalco was 54 years old. Number of years served are unknown at this time.
Listing Details
Baltimore City Fire Department
Years of Service