BETSON, J. William
On July 14, 1902 , an alarm rang out for a building fire at the Montevue Hospital for the Insane. Units from Junior, Independent,& United Fire Companies arrived to find heavy fire from the windows of the south wing of the hospital. All of the patients had been safely evacuated. The fire companies worked hard for hours and successfully kept the fire contained to the south wing, sparing the rest of hospital from destruction. Firefighter J. William Betson, from Junior Fire Company, developed pneumonia and never recovered. His health continued to deteriorate throughout the summer and into the autumn. On October 18, 1902, Firefighter J. William Betson died from "pneumonia & heart failure". Firefighter J. William Betson was 22 years old and had served 3 years.
Listing Details
Junior Fire Company No. 2
Years of Service