JACKSON, Herman W.
April 23, 1940 Box No. 514 sounded at 4:24 a.m. The George F. O'Brecht Grain warehouse was afire on the south east corner of Pratt and Paca Streets. Units arrived to a 3 story brick building, fully involved, that went 4 alarms within the first 30 minutes. "After an hour of pouring tons of water into the burning structure, a decided bulge was noticed in the west wall." Truck No. 6, an 85' Hayes aerial ladder, was positioned on Paca Street with it's ladder extended and 4 firemen from Truck No. 6 on the ladder. " There was a terrible roar and the Paca Street wall collapsed, pulling the roof with it and sending a flash of fire 50 feet into the air. At the same time, the south wall crashed down into the alley crushing Truck No. 1 to the ground. For a moment, Truck No. 6, the Hayes aerial ladder with 4 firemen on it, stood straight and still; but, then, as the brace ladder was being buried deeper in rubble from the fallen wall, the aerial ladder slowly began to bend, then snapped off at the turntable, throwing the 4 firemen into the blazing inferno. Captain Joseph Gallion and all available firemen,disregarding their own lives, jumped into the firery crater, tore away at the bricks, uncovered and removed the unconcious firemen." Fireman Herman W. Jackson (T-6) was atop the ladder and was critically injured. He died a few hours later at University Hospital. Fireman Herman W. Jackson was 37 years old and had served 14 years.
Listing Details
Baltimore City Fire Department
Years of Service