QUINN, William G.
Box No. 2124 sounded at 6:01pm Hostler William Quinn was at the reins of Truck Co. No. 5 guiding the three horses pulling the Hayes ladder truck responding down Central Avenue. As they swung onto Eager Street, immediately in front of galloping horses, were a dozen or more children playing in the street. The children scattered and none were injured as Hostler Quinn held tightly to the reins, keeping the horses under control as they thundered down the street. Suddenly, the exertion having been too much for his heart, Hostler Quinn fell over in the seat of Truck 5, dead from a heart attack. Tillerman Joseph McGinn climbed up and over the aerial ladder and into the driver's seat where he took the reins out of the dead Hostler's hands and brought the horses to a halt. Hostler William G. Quinn was 64 years old and had served 27 faithful years
Listing Details
Baltimore City Fire Department
Years of Service