What proved to be the most terrible event that has happened in the Department began when Box No. 526 sounded at 4:24 l/2 a.m. The 5-story brick double building occupied by E.A. Prior & Co., 107-109 S. Sharp St. was afire. The warehouse was 217 feet ...


November 27, 1874 Box No.6 sounded at 06:05 Marburg Brothers Tobacco warehouse, Charles and Barre Streets ,was afire. A curing dryer had upset on the top floor of the 4 story brick building. Pipeman Jacob Adelman was taking the hose pipe to the roof of th ...


June 1, 1991 Firefighter Eddie Arthur was on the back step of a ladder truck, secured with a safety strap, and instructing a trainee on how to tiller a hook & ladder truck. While making a U-turn in a parking lot, the tillerman trainee lost control, th ...


Box 7823 sounded at 9:55 a.m. A dwelling fire at 2011 Whittier Avenue. The occupant rescued her baby from a flaming 2nd floor bedroom that was badly damaged. Regularman James N."Whitey" Baldwin (Salvage Corps No.3) was throwing a mattress off the rear sec ...


August 7, 1901 An alarm of fire was being struck out over the gong in Engine House No.13. Engineman John A. Bannon, in his haste to get to the brass pole, tripped, plunged through the pole's opening head first to the floor below and was fatally injured. E ...

BARNES, William W.

Tuesday February 16, 1955 Box No. 12 was sounded at 9:02 p.m. The Tru-Fit Clothing Company 507-509 E. Baltimore St was afire. Firefighters arrived to find heavy smoke and a raging cellar fire in the 80-foot long 3-story brick building that also had a one ...

BAYNE, Sr. Joseph W.

Box 10-34 sounded for a fire in the 40 story U.S.F. & G building. Nothing was evident upon arrival. Firefighters ascended to the 17th floor but found no fire. EVD Firefighter Joseph Bayne, aide to Battalion Chief 5, entered an elevator to descend. The ...


On December 31, 1918, Pipeman Anthony BerBerich assigned to Engine Co. 31, responded to building fire.Upon arrival, while attempting to place a chock under the wheel,Pipeman Berberich slipped and fell under the wheel of the engine.The engine's wheel rolle ...


Box No. 1834 sounded at 6pm. Joseph Schwienteck & Son -Welders at Highland Ave & Elliott St. was afire. The L-shaped two story brick building was fully involved and 3 alarms were sounded. The wooden roof suddenly collapsed onto three firefigh ...

BERTRAM, Charles

On October 29, 1866 Box No. 3 sounded at 5:50 p.m. The Marston Building located at 246 West Baltimore Street was afire. Three firefighters were advancing a hoseline up a ladder when a high wooden cornice fell from the burning building and buried all three ...

BETHEA, James E.

On November 12, 2014 Lieutenant James E. Bethea, the on-duty safety officer, was on the scene of a working structure fire in the 700 block of East North Avenue. The fire was extinguished and fire department units cleared the scene at 02:20 hrs. At 06:43 h ...


Firefighter D/O Francis W. Blackstock (Truck Co. No. 3) returned to quarters from a Spring Street fire on a very hot July day where he remained on duty until relieved by the oncoming shift. Firefighter Blackstock went home, collapsed from ...

BOWERS, George

Assigned to Hook & Ladder Co. 2 - Building collapsed with 16 men in building, 9 escaped death. Other members used every means and device to rescue the entombed. After the rubble was cooled, it took several days to recover the bodies of the seven firef ...

BRADEN, James T.

On July 19, 1898, Box No. 327 was sounded at 2:09 p.m. Steam Engine No. 13 and Hose Wagon No. 7 collided together at Druid Hill Ave. & Mosher St. A terrible scene was presented as firemen were thrown in every direction and the horses killed. Pipeman J ...

BRANAN, Frederick C.

Shortly after noon, District Engineer No. 3 Frederick C. Branan bid the members of Engine Co. No. 28 best wishes for the Happy New Year. He then got into his Chief's car, a runabout being driven by Ladderman Robert Perry, waved to the members of No. 28 ...

BRAND, Thomas F.

Box No. 324 was sounded for a dwelling fire. While responding to the fire, Engine Co. No. 25 collided with a moving automobile at Lafayette and Druid Hill Avenues, throwing 3 firefighters to the pavement. Firefighter Thomas F. Brand was fatally injured. T ...

BUCK Jr., Roy E.

Baltimore City Fire Department ~ Baltimore ~ Maryland

October 5, 1966

While driving his BCFD Fire Prevention car down Maryland Avenue, Lieutenant Roy E. Buck, Jr. suffered a massive heart attack that would claim his life in moments but ...


On May 15, 1930 Deputy Chief No. 1, Lewin H. Burkhardt had been seriously injured at the Sherwood Brothers Oil fire, having suffered severe burns to both legs after falling into a ditch overflowing with oils and acids. Chief Burkhardt was still recovering ...


On January 24, 2022 ,at 05:53 hrs, Baltimore City Fire Box 55-10 was sounded for a reported dwelling fire in the 200 block of South Stricker Street.  At 05:56 hrs, units arrived to find a vacant 3 story middle of the row home with fire showing from a ...

BYRNE, Murray L.

Honoring & Remembering Maryland Fallen Heroes Baltimore City Fire Department ~ Baltimore ~ Maryland January 7, 1937 Box No. 457 sounded at 2:25 a.m. A smokey fire in a 2 story brick row house on Riggs Avenue was quickly extinguished and Truck No. 10 r ...

CAMPBELL, Herbert Blantley

On April 22, 1940 , Box No. 62 sounded at 4:41 a.m. The 4 story brick furniture warehouse of Four Besche Brothers, 102 – 110 E.Cross St was on fire. The fire raged through the warehouse into the main store, and quickly went to 8 alarms. Six firemen were i ...

CARTER, James E.

March 24, 1970 Box No. 3621 sounded & Engine Co.No. 7 was dispatched to investigate a reported fire in a 3-story dwelling . Upon arrival, the rest of the box was requested. Pump Operator James E. Carter was busy hooking up to the nearest hydrant when ...

CAUSEY, Randolph

An alarm of fire was striking on the gong in Truck House No. 7 Pipeman Randolph Causey (E-31) was running for the brass pole, tripped, and fell head first through the hole for the brass pole, landing on the apparatus floor below. He was killed instantly. ...


February 25, 1963 Box No. 576 sounded at 2:28 p.m. The BioRamo Drug Company, 223-225 W. Baltimore St., was on fire. The upper floors of the 5 story brick building were well involved and during the height of the 5 alarm blaze the roof of the building dropp ...


While on assignment in the 1100 block of Washington Blvd, Lieutenant John P. Cinquegrani collapsed on the side walk having suffered an apparent heart attack. He was transported to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. Lieutenant John Phillip Cinquegr ...


Fireman Andrew J. Connelly was the oldest member of the fire department and was performing his duties as messenger for Deputy Chief No. 1 L. F. Burkhardt, when he suddenly dropped dead from a heart attack in the quarters of Engine Co. 23. Fireman Andrew J ...

COOK Jr., William K.

After working the day shift as Acting Battalion Chief #3, Captain William K..Cook Jr., was relieved by the night shift Chief,and went home to celebrate his 57th birthday with his family. Approximately 1 hour after arriving at home, Captain ...


Fell from third story window while demonstrating how to remove people from upper stories of a building. Grabbed shutter which was not locked and fell onto concrete steps.

DAVIS, Howard A.

Workmen were repairing the roof of St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys on Wilken's Avenue Extended. At approximately 4:15p.m.,a tinner's torch started a fire under the eaves. The fire went 3 alarms, burned for hours, and gutted the main administration b ...

DEFALCO, Charles L.

On July 6, 1951, Box No. 371 sounded at 12:26 a.m. The Bombay Storage Company a 3 story brick building on N. Parrish St. was afire and quickly went to 6 alarms. Truck Lieutenant Charles L. DeFalco (T-10) was on the rooftop working in ...

DOLLE, Lorenz A.

On May 9, 1948, Truck Co. No. 3 responded to assist the police in the 1600 block of McElderry St. There was a "demented male subject preaching from the rooftops " and the police needed Truck 3 to place the ladder to the roof so they could reach the indivi ...


Responded to warehouse fire. While on ladder of Hook & Ladder No. 1, wall started swaying and knocked Ladderman Dougherty from ladder.

DUFFY, Andrew

February 4, 1950 Box No. 4121 sounded at 2:40 p.m. The Manufacturers Clothing Outlet 117 - 121 W. Baltimore Street was afire. Captain Daniel Riordan (E-15) and Fireman Andrew Duffy (E-15) ran into the store and down a rear stairway with the hosepipe, when ...

EAGEN, John J.

A light blinked on the telephone switchboard at Fire Department Headquarters. A pencil poised John J. Eagen, the switchboard operator, clicked his key and took call. "Fire Department" he answered. He knew what the call would be, a request for a municipal ...

EAGEN. Thomas J.

Box 549 was sounded at 3:46 a.m. for a dwelling fire at 1439 Andre Street. Firefighter Thomas J. Eagen (E-19) carried a 16 foot ladder up to the dwelling and helped to ventilate the second floor. He developed trouble breathing and was transported to Mercy ...


While responding to dwelling fire, Hose Wagon of Engine Co. 32 collided with car of District Engineer Emerson. Chief Emerson was thrown more than 12 feet and landed on curb. Suffered head and internal injuries, did not regain consciousness.


Baltimore City Fire Department ~ Baltimore ~ Maryland

May 31,1939

After returning from a second alarm fire on W.Mulberry Street, Tillerman Thomas E. Faulkner collapsed in the engine house and died from a heart attack.

Tillerman ...

FRANKE, Charles L.

August 27, 1898 Baltimore City had received a call for assistance from firemen in Laurel, Maryland. Engine Co. No. 10 responded to Camden Station where a special car of the B&O Railroad was loaded with the steam engine, hose wagon ,horses, and firemen ...

FREIMAN, Charles

Box No. 21 sounded at 12:04 a.m. The Joseph Regester & Sons Foundry was afire. Units arrived to find heavy fire on the 3rd floor of the 6 story brick building located at Holliday and Saratoga Streets that would quickly go multiple alarms. At approxima ...


February 7, 1912  On January 7, 1912, a 5-alarm shoe store fire had been fought for over 2 days in weather so bitterly cold that water used to extinguish the flames caused the wet coats of exhausted firefighters to freeze to their skin and icicles to ...


July 15, 1961 Box No. 8474 sounded at 1:31 a.m. for a dwelling fire. Units arrived to find a well-involved 2-story frame dwelling. Hose pipes were brought into play and subsequently the basement of the dwelling was flooded. The Lieutenant and Firefighter ...

GESSWEIN, Augustus

While groping his way on 5th floor of Brown Implement Co., fell headlong into elevator shaft which was left unprotected, striking head against top of first floor elevator.

GILL, George

August 16, 1907 National automatic Box No. 13-6-3 sounded at 12:54 p.m. Billowing black smoke was rolling from the upper windows of Gretjan & Loeb Company on W. Baltimore St. Chief Engineer No. 5 Lewin Burkhardt sounded 3 alarms from Box No. 414 at on ...

GOONAN, Joseph B.

Assigned to Engine Co. 7. Responded to trash fire as well as utility pole which traveled to roof of old building. While inspecting roof, Lieutenant Goonan lost his balance, fell head first to the ground, and was rendered unconscious. He died 2 hours later ...

GRAHE Sr, James L.

On December 2,1967 , Box No. 8262 sounded. While responding on what turned out to be a false alarm, Truck No. 5 was struck by a hit and run driver. The impact resulted in 3 firefighters being injured. Tillerman Joseph Kraus received minor injuries & w ...

GRAY, Joseph J.

Box No. 6321 sounded at 5:20 p.m. The fire was an incipient one and the firemen were glad to return to quarters on the cold and blustery day. At 5:33 p.m.,while tapping out the in service signal, Firefighter Joseph J. Gray, Chemical Co. No. 3, suddenly co ...

GRIEF, William H.

Box No. 6546 sounded at 1:31 p.m. for a field fire on Hawkins Point Road. While responding on the call, Engine Co. No. 35 was struck by a 10-ton dump truck at Pennington Ave. & Church St. Firefighter William H. Grief was thrown off the backstep and cr ...

GRUND, Charles

Box No. 526 was sounded. The Burrough Bros. Chemical Work located at 92 Camden Street was afire. Responding units arrived to find a 4 story iron front patent medicine factory heavy with fire, 2nd & 3rd alarm was sounded. No. 2's Hayes aerial ladder wa ...


While fighting fire at Chemical Works, Pipeman Halloran was operating hose line from second floor. Pressure of hose line swept him off ladder and he fell to the pavement.

HALLORAN, William R.

Was thrown head first into street when District Chief Bradley's automobile struck Truck Co, 5 while responding to an alarm. He sufferred skull fracture.

HAND, George J.

Accident involving Hose Co. No. 3 and Truck Co. No. 9 while responding to mattress fire. Neither company could hear or see the other as view was blocked by monument which stood in middle of street.

HANLEY, Joseph P.

Assigned to Engine Co. No. 13. Responded to 9 alarm fire where rear roof and wall collapsed trapping 12 firefighters. Rescuers moved brick by brick to reach trapped men. Six priests stood by, interns and nurses from Johns Hopkins were on scene to help adm ...

HARMAN, Frederick W.

Box No. 21 sounded at 12:04 a.m. The Joseph Regester & Sons Foundry was afire. Units arrived to find heavy fire on the 3rd floor of the 6 story brick building located at Holliday and Saratoga Streets that would quickly go multiple alarms. At approxima ...


Five alarm fire in a three story brick building. Engine Cos. 5 and 15 were working in alley with about 15 men when wall fell. Lieutenant Harrison was buried under 20 feet of rubble. Suffered fractured skull and crushed chest.

HAYES, John B.

Fire in tobacco warehouse. During overhaul, building collapsed and crushed Ladderman Hayes of Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1. Others were trapped but escaped serious injury.

HAYNIE, James W.

November 9, 1949 Box No. 8664 sounded at 3:10 p.m. A field was afire at Glen and Key Avenues. Engine Co. No. 46 and Truck Co. No. 22 responded emergency conditions. The ladder truck was northbound on Park Heights Avenue and the engine was eastbound on Rog ...

HEALES, Howard A.

Engine Co. 58 & Truck Co. 21 responded to a silent alarm. Investigating, they found it to be a steam leak. Acting Lt. Heales had inched his way under a low crawl space to locate leak. After returning to quarters, he complained of chest pains and was t ...


The sad death of Chief Engineer of the Baltimore City Fire Department John Hennick. John M. Hennick was born September 11, 1835 in a house at East and Ensor Streets. He joined the United Fire Company when he was 20 years old, two years later he changed af ...


On November 29, 1966 Firefighter Paul J. Herauf (E-17) was detailed to Truck Co. No. 28 and was riding the side of the truck as it was returning to quarters. As the truck passed under the B&O Railroad bridge at Key Highway, he was bounced from the sid ...

HESSE, William

Box No. 8945 sounded at 2:07 p.m. A 3-story frame house was afire at 14 Lewiston Avenue and was extending to the adjacent property. A second alarm was sounded. The firemen were battling the flames when suddenly the tall chimney came crashing down and fata ...


Box No. 8144 sounded at 7:06 a.m. A lounge room in the Mary Meletia Hall dormitory at the college of Notre Dame of Maryland was on fire. 170 students were fleeing from the building and the fire intense. The Batallion Chief ordered a 6 alarm assignment wit ...

HUBBEL, Donald W.

February 1, 2008 Captain Donald W.Hubbel was exercising in preparation for a required physical agility test when he was stricken with a fatal heart attack. Captain Hubbel joined the BCFD in 1993, he was initially assigned to the Glen Avenue truck company. ...


Box 2127 sounded at 12:05 a.m. for a 2 story brick dwelling fire. An exploding portable kerosene heater started the fire and it was reported that 2 persons were trapped on the second floor. Second Battalion Chief Lorenz A. Dolle and Fireman Carl E. Humphr ...


The Baltimore Country Club, a 30 room wood frame building on Club Road in Roland Park, was well involved when Engine Co. No. 44 arrived and quickly went 4 alarms. After the fire was knocked down, a group of firemen were on the porch of the structure playi ...

HUNT, Morris E.

Honoring & Remembering Maryland Fallen Heroes.

.Baltimore City Fire Department ~ Baltimore~Maryland

July 9, 1965

Box No.563 sounded at 9:54 a.m. for building fire. Units arrived to find an "L" shaped 3 story brick building w ...

JACKSON, Herman W.

April 23, 1940 Box No. 514 sounded at 4:24 a.m. The George F. O'Brecht Grain warehouse was afire on the south east corner of Pratt and Paca Streets. Units arrived to a 3 story brick building, fully involved, that went 4 alarms within the first 30 minutes. ...

JERSCHEID Sr., Charles H.

January 11, 1956 Box No. 288 sounded at 11:29 a.m. for a cellar fire. Engine Co. No. 24 was responding when it was struck by a tractor-trailer at Patterson Park Avenue and Monument Street. The engine skidded some 50 feet on the rain-soaked street and then ...

JONES, Thomas H.

While on a 4 alarm fire, a collapsing wall of a grain elevator fell and buried four firemen. Captain Jones was trapped under bricks and mortar and was killed instantly.

KEARNEY, Anthony L.

On October 31, 1958, Box No. 1934 sounded at 8:02 a.m. The Manganese Reduction Company at 3915 E. Baltimore Street was afire. The fire was in a case of chemicals stored in a vault-like room on the first floor of the, 5 story high by 1 block long, brick wa ...

KELLER, Charles J.

March 31, 1926 Captain Charles J. Keller was found dead in his bed in the dormitory of Engine House No.58 Captain Charles J. Keller was 37 years old and had served 13 years.

KERNAN, Eugene F.

Explosion at dwelling fire, 4 fifty gallon drums of gasoline were stored in basement resulting in death of Fireman Kernan and injuries to 12 firefighters.

KERNS, George

Assigned to Engine Co. No. 7. Building collapsed with 16 men inside, 9 escaped death. Other members used every means and device to rescue the entombed. After cooling the rubble, it took several days to remove the bodies of the 7 firefighters.

KERR, Francis D.

Box No. 526 was sounded. The Burrough Bros. Chemical Work located at 92 Camden Street was afire. Responding units arrived to find a 4 story iron front patent medicine factory heavy with fire, 2nd & 3rd alarm was sounded. No.2's Hayes aerial ladder was ...

KEYSER, James R.

On April 17, 1894, Engine Co.No.13 was responding to a building fire when Firemen James Keyser was thrown from the engine at Fremont & Edmonson and was transported to Maryland General Hospital with a severe leg injury. He had been a patient in the hos ...


Box 185 sounded for a dwelling fire at 3202 Hudson Street. Firefighters made an interior attack and were on the first floor battling the flames when part of the flooring collapsed into the basement inferno. Fellow firefighters immediately rescued the burn ...

KING, John G.

Truck Co. No. 4 cleared an incident and was returning to quarters. They were proceeding on Biddle Street when a failure in rear steering mechanism occurred, causing the truck to jump the curb onto the sidewalk. Tillerman John King was thrown from his seat ...

KLABURNER, Frederick

Before going off duty at 8 am on February 1, 1946, Lieutenant Frederick Klaburner, E-42, wrote a letter requesting retirement. He returned to duty at 6pm on February 1st and at 10:01pm responded to a silent alarm at the Belair Bowling Center. E-42 arrived ...


Baltimore City Fire Department~ Baltimore ~ Maryland

April 19, 1980

After fighting an attic fire on Wilkins Avenue, Captain Martin Kleinsmith (T-8) , walked outside into the backyard of the residence, sat down on a bench, and collapsed. ...

KLUMP, Frederick

January 29,1926 While responding on Box No.297 Engine Co. No.7 collided with Salvage Corps Wagon No.5 at Cathedral and Madison Streets. Six firemen were thrown into the street. Five of them were injured and Regularman Frederick Klump (SCW-5) was killed. R ...

KNOPP, Donald G.

March 25, 1979 Box No. 413 was sounded on March 5, 1979. Engine Co. No. 54 responded southbound on Plainfield Avenue & Truck Co. No. 30 responded eastbound on Anntana Avenue. The units were responding emergency conditions, to what turned out to be a f ...

KOONTZ, Franklin

March 7, 1959 Firefighter Franklin E. Koontz completed a traumatic and difficult shift with Ambulance 5.The next morning, March 7, 1959, while putting on his shoes, he collapsed. He was transported to South Baltimore Hospital where he was pronounced dead ...


Box No. 639 sounded for a fire in the hold of the S.S. Nantucket, docked at Pier No. 5, Locust Point. The second alarm was sounded and conditions were the worst because of thick acrid smoke belching out of the hatchways. Pipeman John T. Krampe was getting ...


On April 18, 1953 Box 23 sounded at 5:46p.m. for trash burning inside a vacant dwelling. While responding to the call, Salvage Corps Wagon No.2 and Engine Co. No. 34 collided full force at Baltimore & Caroline Streets. Regularman Adam Kupidlowski (SCW ...

LACAYO, Kenneth A.

On January 24, 2022 at 05:53 hrs, Baltimore City Fire Box 55-10 was sounded for a reported dwelling fire in the 200 block of South Stricker Street. At 05:56 hrs, units arrived to find a vacant 3 story middle of the row home with fire showing from all 3 st ...

LAMB, William J.

November 14, 1933 In the early morning hours of November 12, 1933, Box 389 was sounded for a reported fire in the 1600 block of Presstman Street. While responding on the call, Engine Co. No.25 was struck by a northbound trolley car at Carey and Gold Sts. ...

LENZ, George A.

Honoring & Remembering Maryland Fallen Heroes


Baltimore City Fire Department ~ Baltimore ~ Maryland

September 12, 1922

"Box No.446 sounded at 8:45 pm. The Umbrella Factory of William Beehler was afire. The 4 story ...

LEUTNER, Charles A.

Box No. 1934 sounded at 8:02 a.m. The Manganese Reduction Company at 3915 E. Baltimore Street was afire. The fire was in a case of chemicals stored in a vault-like room on the first floor of the 5 story high by 1 block long, brick warehouse. The burning c ...

LEYH, Herman


.Honoring & Remembering Maryland Fallen Heroes.

Baltimore City Fire Department ~ Baltimore ~ Maryland

September 5,1953

While pumping a hydrant for a 6 alarm building fire at the Baltimore Lumber Company, Engin ...


Box No. 158 sounded at 8:10 a.m. Brown's Cotton Warehouse, which consisted of 5 buildings packed with bales of cotton at Thames & Bond Streets, was on fire. The blazing cotton was a stubborn fire and, for over 10 hours, the department's first fireboat ...

LITTLE, Nelson L.

After returning from a fire where he was detailed to Engine Co. 23, and was helping to hang hose. Firefighter Little complained of indigestion. Walked to watch desk and collapsed. Members of Engine Co. 23 and Ambulance 1 worked on him to no avail.

MACHOVEC, Rudolph A.

Assigned to Engine Co. No. 15. Responded to 9 alarm fire where rear roof and wall collapsed trapping 12 firemen. Rescuers moved brick by brick to reach trapped men. Six priests stood by, interns and nurses from Johns Hopkins Hospital were on scene to admi ...

MAGAHA, Joseph B.

On November 9, 1949 Box No. 8664 sounded at 3:10 p.m. A field was afire at Glen and Key Avenues. Engine Co. No. 46 and Truck Co. No. 22 responded emergency conditions. The ladder truck was northbound on Park Heights Avenue and the engine was eastbound on ...

MARNEY, Francis

Responded with Engine Co. No. 2 to incipient fire, While returning to quarters, Pump Operator Marney collapsed at the steering wheel from a heart attack. The Captain on board was able to brake the apparatus and radio for assistance.

MARSTON, Frederick A.

February 26, 1887 National Automatic Box No. 89 sounded at 6:44 a.m. The Darby Company, southeast corner of Baltimore & Howard Streets was afire. The 5 story iron front building was stocked full of sugar and candies which burned fiercely. The fire sta ...


Assigned to Engine Co. No. 7. Building collapsed with 16 men inside, 9 escaped death. Other members used every means and device to rescue the entombed. After cooling the rubble, it took several days to remove the bodies of the firefighters.


Assigned to Engine Co. No. 4 - Responded to fire in carpenter shop. After fire was extinguished, heavy chimney fell forcing front wall out carrying men of Engine 1 and Engine 4 into the cellar. Pipeman McBride was fatally injured when timber from the coll ...

MCGEE, Claude

Truck No. 18 was southbound on Carey Street transferring to the quarters of Truck No.13. In order to avoid colliding with a northbound street car, Truck No. 18 crashed into a parked automobile. Fireman Claude McGee, riding on the side of the truck, was cr ...


While no firemen were killed during the Great Baltimore Fire of February 7, 1904, several died in the weeks and months that followed having been injured or having contracted pneumonia as a result of the historic blaze; including, Pipeman James M. McGlenne ...



Baltimore City Fire Department ~ Baltimore ~ Maryland.

October 11, 1882

On June 30, 1882, Box No.516 sounded at 10:55 a.m. for a structure fire at Baker Bros. Glass Company. Pipeman David McIntire (Engine 12) was leading ...


While no firemen were killed during the Great Baltimore Fire of February 7, 1904, Lt. McKew died from the effects of the fire at a later date. He developed a severe cold due to exposure and later developed tuberculosis which forced his early retirement.


Found dead in his bed at Engine Co. 44. Was 50 years old with 28 years of service.

MELZER, Richard F.

Assigned to Engine Co. No. 15. Responded to 9 alarm fire where rear roof and wall collapsed trapping 12 firemen. Rescuers moved brick by brick to reach trapped men. Six priests stood by, interns and nurses from Johns Hopkins Hospital were on scene to admi ...

MINNIQUE,  Albert M.

While doing routine duties on the apparatus floor of Engine Co. 11, Assistant Engineman Minnique fell down the cellar steps breaking his ribs. He later contacted consumption of the lungs.

MOSER, Jennings G.

.Honoring & Remembering Maryland Fallen Heroes.


Baltimore City Fire Department ~ Baltimore ~ Maryland

March 29,1966

While extinguishing a small field fire near Boston & Haven Streets,

Firefighter Jennin ...

MOXLEY, Willard C

...Honoring & Remembering Maryland Fallen Heroes....

.Baltimore City Fire Department ~ Baltimore ~ Maryland

June 20, 1957

On November 28, 1956 , an 8 alarm fire at the C.O.Wurzberger & Sons, in the 2600 block of Annapoli ...


June 18, 1919 While out on driver's training, Firefighter Walter F. Musgrove was fatally injured when he lost his balance, fell from the back step of the engine, and struck his head on the roadway. Firefighter Walter F. Musgrove was 48 years old and had f ...


While washing ceiling and walls on a portable scaffolding in bathroom of engine house No. 27, he fell through the glass transom severing arteries in left arm. Despite atempting to save his own life and with the assistance of other members, he lost conscio ...

NALLEY, Jr. Clarence

No further information is available at this time.


On January 1, 1943, Box No.463 sounded at 4:45 p.m. Fireman John H. Naumann (E-10) was critically injured when he lost his balance and fell off of the back step of the speeding rig, on Carey Street near Herkimer. He was rushed to the hospital where he die ...

NEWELL, Ralph R.

Fifth Battalion Chief Ralph R. Newell was in his office and had started on daily paperwork when Lt. LeGrand (E-23) found the Chief in cardiac arrest. C.P.R. was started and the rest of the company, along with Ambulance 1, was called to assist. Chief Newel ...

O'BRIEN, Francis P.

Responded to 9 alarm fire where rear roof and wall collapsed trapping 12 firemen. Rescurers moved brick by brick to reach trapped men. Six priests stood by, interns and nurses from Johns Hopkins Hospital were on scene to aid the injured. Six were killed a ...

O'KEEFE, Thomas D.

On May 26, 1899, Captain Thomas D. O'Keefe, Hook & Ladder Co. No. 6, was drilling with his men in quarters. Capt. O'Keefe sustained an injury while lifting a heavy ladder. After 2 weeks his condition was not improving so his physician sent him to C ...

PAFF, Charles A.

November 9, 1949 Box No. 8664 sounded at 3:10 p.m. A field was afire at Glen and Key Avenues. Engine Co. No. 46 and Truck Co. No. 22 responded emergency conditions. The ladder truck was northbound on Park Heights Avenue and the engine was eastbound on Rog ...


Otto G. Panuska had been a Captain of Engine Company No. 41. On March 1, 1960, Captain Panuska was injured on a 5 alarm fire at Hamms Brewery. Instead of taking his pension, Captain Panuska asked to be reduced to firefighter. Firefighter Panuska was assig ...

PARKS, Charles

Box No. 4 sounded at 3:39 a.m. The New-Art Clothing store was on fire.  A stubborn basement fire, with rancid dense smoke causing near zero visibility, that quickly went to 4 alarms. As the fire was extinguished and the smoke began to clear, Probatio ...


While fighting a field fire, he fell backward down a steep embankment striking his head on a discarded automobile door, breaking his neck.


Honoring & Remembering Maryland Fallen Heroes

Baltimore City Fire Department ~ Baltimore ~ Maryland


On the afternoon of October 19, 2023 at approximately 3:42 pm, Box alarm 46-40 was dispatched for a report of a dwell ...


Baltimore City FD had implemented a cost saving policy by allowing engine companies to respond with only 3 men. While fighting a fire, Lt. Plummer took the hose line in by himself dragging it across the street and up to the second floor. Came out of build ...

POPP, George W.

Box No. 473 sounded at 11:43p.m. Ladderman George W. Popp opened the bay door of Hook & Ladder No. 4. As the truck was exiting the firehouse Ladderman Popp jumped onto the moving rig, slipped, fell under a rolling wheel and was fatally injured. Ladder ...

PUGH, William B.

Box No. 21 sounded at 12:04 a.m. The Joseph Regester & Sons Foundry was afire. Units arrived to find heavy fire on the 3rd floor of the 6 story brick building located at Holliday and Saratoga Streets that would quickly go multiple alarms. At approxima ...

QUINN, William G.

Box No. 2124 sounded at 6:01pm Hostler William Quinn was at the reins of Truck Co. No. 5 guiding the three horses pulling the Hayes ladder truck responding down Central Avenue. As they swung onto Eager Street, immediately in front of galloping horses, wer ...

REIF, George J.

Responded to a 6 alarm fire on Norwegian Steamship Gilsa which was tied up at Pier 8. Vessel was loaded with 5000 tons of highly flammable nitrate which caused many explosions, one of which knocked Fireman Reif unconscious and into a pool of water on the ...

REILEY, Albert E.

While whitewashing hose tower of Truck Co. 19, he fell about 15 feet striking his head on a radiator resulting in a fractured skull.


Assigned to Truck Co. 16, Responded to 9 alarm fire where rear roof and wall collapsed trapping 12 firemen. Rescurers moved brick by brick to reach trapped men. Six priests stood by, interns and nurses from Johns Hopkins Hospital were on scene to render a ...

REMEIKIS Jr, Joseph A.

November 9, 1949 Box No. 8664 sounded at 3:10 p.m. A field was afire at Glen and Key Avenues. Engine Co. No. 46 and Truck Co. No. 22 responded emergency conditions. The ladder truck was northbound on Park Heights Avenue and the engine was eastbound on Rog ...

REYNOLDS, Christian F. J.

Collapsed and died in quarters of Engine Co. 2


Captain James J. Reynolds rushed into the burning building with a hose pipe. Several moments later he staggered to the front door where he collapsed onto the sidewalk and died.


March 13, 1960 Truck Co. No. 13 was responding to a silent alarm of fire at 2246 W. Fayette St. The apparatus was proceeding north on Carey St. when Firefighter Thomas E. Reynolds lost his balance and fell off the tillerstep. He was fatally injured when h ...

RICE, Charles E.

On April 20, 1925, Box 3422 was sounded at 3:32 a.m. The Lyceum Theatre was afire and would realize 5 alarms, a special call for Chemical Foamite Co. No. 1, and 12+ hours, before the stubborn blaze was extinguished. Battalion Chief No. 3, Charles E. Rice, ...

RIEDEL, Frederick L.

May 15, 1934 Box No. 8421 sounded for an automobile on fire at St. Paul & 20th Streets. Salvage Corps Wagon No. 3 was responding when it collided with a police radio car at Gold & Division Streets. Regularman Frederick L. Riedel, riding the backst ...


Honoring & Remembering Maryland Fallen Heroes

Baltimore City Fire Department ~ Baltimore ~ Maryland

On the afternoon of October 19, 2023, at approximately 3:42 pm, Box alarm 46-40 was dispatched for a report of a dwelling fire in th ...

RIORDAN, Daniel T.

February 4, 1950 Box No. 4121 sounded at 2:40 p.m. The Manufacturers Clothing Outlet 117 - 121 W. Baltimore Street was afire. Captain Daniel Riordan (E-15) and Fireman Andrew Duffy (E-15) ran into the store and down a rear stairway with the hosepipe, when ...


Responded to 5 alarm fire. Was on roof of building next door when wall fell knocking all to the street burying them under debris. Fireman Rithmiller had his right leg torn off by one of the girders, along with internal injuries and died from blood loss.


On October 9, 2006, Firefighter Allan M. Roberts was working an overtime night shift and assigned to Engine 41. At approximately 2:22 a.m. on October 10th, an Eastern Avenue fire box was sounded for a dwelling fire 512 South Macon Street, reported two peo ...


October 29, 1868 Box 38 sounded at 1:25 a.m. Hostler Matthew Rochester was off duty but he jumped into the driver's seat of Hook & Ladder No. 1 & responded to the call. While returning from what turned out to be a false alarm, H & L No. 1 turn ...

ROGERS, Daniel

While responding to what turned out to be a false alarm, Engine Co. 9 stalled while going up a steep grade. Engineman Rogers stepped off the rear to see what the trouble was and before he could get clear of the apparatus, it rolled backwards crushing him.

ROSEWAG, Melvin S.

On July 25, 1984, Eng. Co. No. 19 was responding on a fire call. As they turned off of Washington Street onto Llewelyn Street, Firefighter Melvin S. Rosewag was thrown from the apparatus into the street. Firefighter Rosewag suffered severe head injuries a ...

ROSS, William C.

April 17, 1869 Box No. 3 sounded at 9:01pm. A fire started in the shavings bin of a cooperage shop and was soon through the roof of the 3 story brick building. Assistant Chief Engineer Ross noticed the high brick chimney shaking and ordered the firemen ou ...


After getting a fire in a grocery store and dwelling under control, Hook & Ladder #2 went into the cellar to overhaul. A barrel of coal oil was ignited by a lamp held by one of the men. It exploded burning everyone in the cellar.

RYAN, Henry

On November 17, 1886, while on a multi-alarm fire at the Burrough Bros. Chemical Work, 92 Camden Street, the Hayes aerial ladder had been fully extended and on it were 7 pipemen, 3 hose pipes and heavy hose. The weight was too much and the truck flippe ...

RYAN, Patrick J.

Worst tragedy of Baltimore City FD when 7 members were lost at warehouse fire when building collapsed with 16 firefighters inside, 9 escaped death.

SADLER, Kelsey R.

On January 24, 2022 ,at 05:53 hrs, Baltimore City Fire Box 55-10 was sounded for a reported dwelling fire in the 200 block of South Stricker Street.  At 05:56 hrs, units arrived to find a vacant 3 story middle of the row home with fire showing from a ...

SAPPE, Frank J.

March 4, 1977 Box No. 8931 sounded for a building fire at the Fiberglass Specialties Company. As the crew of Engine Co. 46 was advancing a hose line into building, a 20 foot high cinder block wall collapsed outward. Two firefighters were able to jump clea ...


September 16, 1995 Box No. 8623 sounded for a warehouse fire, a 19th century iron foundry which was being used as artists studios. Firefighter Eric D. Schaefer, along with fellow members of Rescue 1, were attempting to open an overhead door, when the roof ...

SCHAEFFER, Frederick

While responding to a Box Alarm, Engine overturned when a dog ran out in front of the apparatus. The horses shied to the right. Mr. Schaeffer dropped the left rein but continued to pull at the right which caused the horses to pull further to the right and ...

SCHEVE, Harry B.

August 27, 1943 (WWII 1939 ~ 1945) An air-raid alert was sounded shortly after nine o'clock and the city was plunged into darkness. Acting Deputy Chief No. 5 , Harry B. Scheve, Director of the Auxiliary Fire Brigade of the Civilian Defense Corps, was bein ...


On January 7, 1912, a 5 alarm shoe store fire had been fought for over 2 days in weather so bitterly cold that water used to extinguish the flames caused the wet coats of exhausted firefighters to freeze to their skin and icicles to hang from their helmet ...

SCHULTE, William

On August 4, 1887 **Box No.521 sounded at 3:40am The James D. Mason Bakery was afire. Second and Third alarms were sounded in the next 4 minutes, as the 5-story brick building was ablaze from top to bottom, flames leaping sky high into the night air and l ...

SEVERN, Robert E.

On December 1, 1959 Box No. 634 sounded at 8:27 p.m. The old Deluxe Theatre, being used as a storage warehouse, was on fire and by 9:32 p.m. had gone 5 alarms. Firefighter Robert E. Severn (E-12) was overcome by the thick smoke, collapsed with a heart att ...

SHEFFIELD, William Andre

On January 27, 2021, Baltimore City Fire Department announced the Line of Duty Death as occupational/COVID-19 of Lieutenant William Andre Sheffield. Upon graduating from the Baltimore City Fire Academy in 1993, Firefighter William A. Sheffield was assigne ...


After working about a hour, he went into a cigar store where he collapsed.


April 18, 1953, Box No. 23 sounded at 5:46p.m. Trash was burning inside a vacant 2 story brick dwelling at Eden St. and Orleans St. Engine Co. No. 34 and Salvage Corps Wagon No. 2 were responding on the call when at Baltimore and Caroline Sts. they collid ...

SMITH, William R.

While responding to a mattress fire, Hose Co. l and Truck 9 collided. Neither could hear the other's siren and view was blocked by a monument in the middle of the street. Two were killed and 6 injured.

SNYDER, Robert

Found dead in his bed at Engine Co. 50. Had fought fire the previous evening.


On April 17, 1869 A 3 story brick building had fire through the roof . Assistant Chief Engineer Ross noticed the high brick chimney shaking. He ordered the firemen to get out. Within minutes the chimney fell pulling the front wall with it, crashing down o ...


March 7, 1940 "A Firemen's Fireman" As a boy in knee britches, Johnny Steadman was hanging around Old No. 6 Firehouse in Old Town admiring the big nickel plated steam engines and the strong horses. He lived nearby and couldn't think of a morte exalted pos ...


While acting as Third District Chief, was involved in accident with touring car. His chest was crushed as he was pinned beneath the car he was riding in.

TALBOTT Sr., Leon A.

Box No. 415 sounded at 12:57pm. Two 6 story brick buildings, each 35 feet wide and 100 feet deep, at Baltimore & Eutaw Streets were on fire. Pipeman Leon A. Talbott and Pipeman Frank Miller carried a portable extinguisher into the elevator intending t ...

TAYLOR, Joseph S.

Box No. 288 sounded at 11:29 a.m. for a cellar fire. Engine Co. No. 24 was responding when it was struck by a tractor-trailer at Patterson Park Avenue and Monument Street. The engine skidded some 50 feet on the rain-soaked street and then overturned onto ...

TAYLOR, Nelson K.

Trying to get to seat of a fire, Lt. Taylor and Firefighter Hedges opened cellar door causing a backdraft. Firefighter Hedges was thrown back into room and Lt. Taylor was blown down the steps. Was found face down in a pool of water with oxygen mask still ...

TORNEY, Albert A.

Lieutenant Albert A. Torney, Engine Co. No. 47, had been off sick since January 27, 1929. On August 17, 1929, Lieutenant Torney, was placed on the pension rolls and a few hours later he collapsed and died. Lieutenant Albert A. Torney was 64 years old and ...

TUCKEY, Harry E.

While directing operations at a field fire, he collapsed, transported to hospital to no avail.

WAGNER, Thomas

Worst tragedy of Baltimore City FD when 7 members were lost at warehouse fire when building collapsed with 16 firefighters inside, 9 escaped death.


Worst tragedy of Baltimore City FD when 7 members were lost at warehouse fire when building collapsed with 16 firefighters inside, 9 escaped death.

WARMSLEY, Pemberton

While on 2 alarm fire he was pulling hose in the street which caused him to collapse.

WARREN, Alton G.

On May 30, 1994, while on a working fire, Firefighter Alton G. Warren fell over hose line and broke his ankle. He was on the mend and had recently had his cast removed. He died at home on July 19,1994 from a heart attack/post fracture embolus. Firefighter ...


On April 24, 1919 Workmen were repairing the roof of St. Mary's Industrial School for Boys on Wilken's Avenue Extended. At approximately 4:15p.m.,a tinner's torch started a fire under the eaves. The fire went 3 alarms, burned for hours, and gutted the mai ...


November 27, 1941 Engine Co. No. 44 was fighting a field fire on Belvedere Avenue when Captain James T. Wheatley(E-44) collapsed and died of a heart attack. Captain James T. Wheatley was 59 years old and had served 30 years.

WHEATLEY, Lawrence F.

Box No. 8646 sounded at 10:05 a.m. for an automobile fire. Service Truck No. 25 was responding westbound on Wyndhurst Ave. As it crossed the railroad tracks, the rear axle snapped, causing it to lose a tire, and causing the driver to lose control of the t ...


On the evening of Monday, Sept. 19, 2022, Baltimore City EMT/Firefighter Juan Wilson responded with BCFD units to an emergency medical call at a residence. While performing CPR on the patient, EMT/Firefighter Wilson, himself, suffered sudden cardiac ...

WILSON, Racheal M.

On February 9, 2007 Firefighter/Paramedic Apprentice Racheal M. Wilson died during a BCFD live fire training exercise being held in a vacant row house in Southwest Baltimore. For many years, it had been FPA Wilson's dream to work for the Baltimore City Fi ...

ZAJAC, Joseph H.

On May 6, 1968 Box No. 1944 sounded at 2:58 p.m. A vacant 2 story brick dwelling on South Clinton Street was afire. Lieutenant Joseph H. Zajac was on the roof with a hose pipe when he suddenly collapsed. "Closed heart massage and mouth to mouth resuscitat ...


During a hose test for Engine Co. No. 28, Pump Operator Walter E. Zimmerman collapsed. He was administered first aid immediately and was administered mouth to mouth and oxygen.He was then transported to Johns Hopkins Hospital where he was pronounced dead ...

ZOPPO, Jack C.

In April of 2001, Lieutenant Jack C. Zoppo, Engine Company No. 6 was diagnosed with a form of occupational cancer with a poor prognosis and his life expectancy was thought to be approximately 1 year. Lt. Zoppo, physically fit from decades of strength trai ...